Compare Copernic products: Which version is right for me?
Knowing the best version for your needs can be daunting. Our infographic below displays the features offered with each version. Our 30-day free trial allows you to test the Elite tier so that you may experience all of the features to help you determine which is best for you. It is important to note that we do not currently support Mac iOS.
All our tiers can support over 175 files. The quality of work does not change between the tiers, it’s simply a matter of the features that each level provides. Our Basic level can search Adobe PDF files, the Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft Outlook, Windows Media, and files kept on the Cloud.
Our Advanced level comprises the features available in Basic, E-Books, Microsoft Outlook 365, Thunderbird and Eudora, and Corel WordPerfect. If you don’t use these products, the Basic or Elite is the best option for you.
If you frequently use Microsoft Teams & SharePoint, OCR (image text recognition), IBM Notes, Microsoft Visio, Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk AutoCAD, then Elite is the option for you!
For organizations with a shared server, our Server Search option includes all the features of Elite as well as the Shared index.
Rest assured, if you suspect you need a different version, you are not obligated to continue with the subscription you initially purchased. If you would like to make changes to your existing subscription, you can make changes through your Customer Portal, or contact us and we will send you an upgrade link!
As of August 2023, the comparison of our solutions is pictured below:

You can easily compare our products here if you would like to see any changes we may have made since this image was created.