Video Files

Digging Deeper into your Video Files

Locating specific video files can seem daunting when you have a lot of them! With Copernic, the files you are seeking are just a few clicks away.

In our scenario, we are looking for a particular video in our How-To Series. Using “how to” in the search bar results in 1,602 documents. Looking at the Video category header, however, narrows the field to six.

If we needed to narrow the results further, we could use a refinement (we will discuss this below). With only six items returned, we can take advantage of the preview pane to locate the file if we aren’t sure which it is. It is even possible to view the video in preview mode.

It is important to note that Copernic does not index subtitle files or use the OCR to index speech inside the video stream or scroll to the position in the preview.

Let’s imagine we need to narrow these results further. We can use the Refinements for this. As you will notice, there are some video specific Refinements in this category. Like other categories, you may narrow your results by Date, Creation Date, or File Type, etc. You also have the ability to narrow your results by video Duration, Genre, or Artist, amongst other things.

Knowing how to make Copernic work for you will save you time and frustration over using traditional methods when searching for specific files. Anyone who works with videos will appreciate the time they save searching for their files-leaving them more time to create content!

Do you have questions about your software? You can reach us at, we are happy to help!