Ready for a Break? Let Copernic Search Help You Plan Your Next Vacation!
Even when a vacation isn’t on your horizon, you might be inspired by an article or advertisement you see while scrolling the internet. If you’re the type to use different browsers, you might never see any sites marked as favorites, even if you want to revisit that page at another time. Copernic to the rescue!
Under the Tools à Options à Browsers, you will find a link to install the extension on your browser(s) of choice. That link will always display, but once you have installed the extension, the page will indicate it is present and offer to remove it. You will need to restart your computer if you are installing the extension, and your software will need to complete an index of your Favourites.

For the past few months, any vacation related web page that crossed our field of vision was bookmarked. Once we established we could start planning a trip, we decided on a destination and now we can use Copernic to help us plan! Our trip this year will be to Paris. By typing “Paris” into our search field, we see there are 603 results, five of which are in our favourites.

Opening our Favourites category header, we can further refine our search based on Date, Site, or Browser by using the Refinement options on the left:

Planning for a vacation can be just as exciting as the vacation itself when the bulk of the tedious work is done ahead of time. Copernic allows us to compile our research and access it when we need it, quickly and efficiently. Bon Voyage!