Law firms

Why Lawyers and Law Firms Love Copernic Search Software

Law was the first data-driven profession. Even in ancient civilizations, practicing law required verbatim references to critical documents. Today, lawyers deal with a vast collection of documents, not just referencing legal codes but also keeping track of client and case information. Every client comes with a stack of reference material: assessments, reports, depositions, asset lists, court transcripts, and so much more. 

No matter what law you practice, your digital archives quickly amass to gargantuan size. Finding what you need in that collection relies on excellent organization and top-notch search functionality. That’s where Copernic becomes a favoured tool by hundreds of lawyers and law firms, who have discovered its comprehensive search capabilities. 

Copernic for Legal Practice 

Copernic Desktop & Cloud Search is specialized allows you to search for files across your local file system, networked file systems, and cloud-connected file systems simultaneously. 

It searches email, cloud drives and hard drives with ease, providing precise results within seconds. Copernic allows users to refine the search with multiple, parallel, and customizable filters. The search even includes document content and metadata, not just the typical file names and dates. 

In other words, it’s everything a lawyer or legal team needs to keep track of documents and vital information over hundreds of clients and cases. Let’s take a closer look at why Copernic is the perfect tool for lawyers, law firms, and legal practices everywhere. 

Advanced Indexing Enables Powerful Search Capabilities 

Copernic operates on an advanced and highly refined indexing system. It builds the index as it explores each file system you connect, creating a detailed registration of every file’s content and relative location. The first time through a file system may take a few extra minutes as the index is assembled, depending on the depth of your files. However, this vast index is what empowers Copernic to provide powerful and system-spanning search results almost instantly with later searches. 

Rapid and thorough search capabilities allow lawyers to find necessary documents in record time, saving hours of sorting through personal, shared, and archived files and emails when previously stored information is needed again. 

Advanced Filtration with Live Updating Results 

Lawyers and legal teams have developed incredible search tool skills over the years – often by necessity to overcome the limitations of standard search features. But these skills will suddenly multiply your search precision without losing time when using Copernic. 

Copernic allows you to refine a search in real-time using a stack of advanced search filter options 

  • Date or range of dates 
  • “OR” “AND, and “NOT” to help define exactly what you’re looking for 
  • “NEAR” to find documents that contain specified words in close proximity 
  • Detailed metadata 
  • File contents 
  • Image readers 

You can use these filters in parallel, applying a stack of filters all at once and seeing the results reflected live in the search box quickly. Every search skill that lawyers have developed over the years, waiting seconds and minutes between each new search parameter, becomes powerful and instant dominion over your entire connected file system, email archives, and cloud storage. 

Accessible and User-Friendly Interface 

When time is money, simple and easy-to-use software is worth a fortune. Copernic Desktop & Cloud Search provides a user-friendly and easily navigable interface that will naturally guide you toward the best search techniques to find every file. Copernic applies the principles of accessibility through simplicity. Everything you need is present without distractions. 

This allows you to narrow your focus down to the search itself, refine your filters, and find exactly the right file or group of files you need every time.  

Over 170+ File Types 

In the legal profession, you get files in many different formats. Clients, courts, sources, and business partners all have their software preferences, operating systems, and file management policies. This results in a lot of different file types to work with. Images alone can come in a dozen different formats depending on which specific program saved the final version of the image. 

This not only complicates storage but can also make searching difficult for systems that struggle with unusual file types. Fortunately, Copernic Desktop & Cloud Search is capable of handling over 170 different types of files with ease including PDF and PDF/A files. Copernic can search within PDF files and search and preview the PDF Archive through its extension. PDF/A file searches are included in Advanced and Elite Copernic subscriptions. 

Robust Security Protects Lawyers and Clients 

Copernic Desktop & Cloud Search operates from your desktop and collects no personal data. This allows it to provide a uniquely secure solution that protects lawyers, legal practices, and client data from the usual threats. Copernic searches and indexes but does not convey any indexed data over networks or the internet. It can access the cloud but does not have a central cloud source.  

Using Copernic is secure and completely under your control. This allows lawyers to build a data-safe and regulation-compliant software stack while enjoying fast and convenient access to their stored files over multiple locations and platforms. 

Saving Time and Money Every Day 

Every lawyer will notice Copernic Search’s fast and precise search results. The ability to instantly get your results without a slow search process and refine your results with advanced filters in real-time saves hours, days, and weeks for every lawyer, legal team, and law firm. 

Saved time translates to real cost savings in terms of hours spent on administrative tasks, time spent on other tasks, and clients satisfied with faster results. 

Explore Copernic’s Free Trial 

If you are a lawyer, legal aid, or running a law firm, Copernic could be the tool that streamlines and transforms your legal workflow. Search local, network, email, and cloud storage, get instant results, and enjoy advanced search filtration. These features alone will cut hours from many legal tasks that require the collection, referencing, or sharing of documents stored anywhere in your file systems. 

Discover the power of a simple yet advanced multi-platform search software as part of your legal practice. Try  Copernic’s 30-day free trialand unlock your increased productivity.