PC search

From a Novice to a Pro: Elevating Your PC Search Skills with Copernic 

You don’t have to earn a degree in computer science to elevate your PC search skills—all you need to do is invest in Copernic! If you are someone who currently searches your computer without using search software like Copernic, you probably run into several problems. Whether your built-in computer search lags, doesn’t provide you with the results you need, or isn’t available in certain languages, it can be frustrating to search your computer without Copernic. You might even feel like a computer novice without it! However, know that you’ll feel like a computer pro  when you’re using Copernic.  

Let’s go into detail about all the reasons why you need to have Copernic installed on your computer and then look at some of the incredible features that Copernic comes with, so that you’ll understand why Copernic is the better choice for PC search. Let’s get into it! 

Why Built-In Search Features Just Don’t Cut It 

You might be wondering, “Why do I need Copernic?” If you have been searching with your computer’s built-in search function for a while, you’re probably used to it. Because you’re used to it, you might not even know how it fails in comparison to software like Copernic. To help get you up to speed about computer searching, here are some reasons why conventional built-in computer search services don’t work as well as Copernic. 

They Aren’t Thorough: Sometimes, searching for the word “Calendar” won’t generate any results—even when your search keyword is used numerous times within the file you are looking for. It’s frustrating when the file you’re looking for doesn’t come up in your search results. Omissions like this happen far too often with built-in search features. 

Some Files Aren’t Compatible:  Even though weare living in the twenty-first century, some computer search functions work like they were developed in the twentieth century—that is to say, they don’t work with certain file types. When you’re doing a file search with your built-in search function and some files aren’t compatible with your search, it makes it nearly impossible to find what you need.  

You Can’t Multitask: If a search is running on your computer, you want to be able to do other things while the search is working in the background. Some built-in computer search programs don’t allow you to multitask. In other words, instead of being able to answer emails or search the internet for some information for a work project, you’ll have to sit and wait for your built-in search to end before you can do anything else. As you might expect, this affects your productivity for the day. 

Only Local Files Can Be Searched: Built-in file search programs can search all the files on the computer you’re using, but often, they don’t have the ability to search documents that are stored on the cloud or on other computers in your company’s network. If you’re looking to search for more than local files, you’re going to want to opt for a search software that is more advanced than your typical built-in file search program. 

Here’s How Copernic Will Turn You into a PC Search Pro 

Now that you’re more familiar with the challenges that come with conventional built-in search programs, let’s go into more detail about why Copernic is the perfect search software for you and your company. Here are some features that come with Copernic that will improve your PC search skills and turn you into a computer search pro. 

Copernic Searches Many File Types: If you’re looking for a unique file, like an Amazon Kindle file or an Adobe Illustrator File, you’ll be able to find it and preview it with Copernic. Copernic has over 170 file types that can be previewed and many more that can be indexed and located through the search.  

Security Is Always a Priority with Copernic: You can’t always trust the security of the software you download, but you can always trust Copernic. Our software is on-premise, your index stays on your device, and any cloud connections uses the same security measures as the cloud storage itself, ensuring that all your data stays safe. 

Copernic Works Fast: Your time is valuable. With Copernic, you can get results as you start typing, use category filters and other refinements to quickly narrow down your results, and search all of your sources at once. You shouldn’t be spending time waiting for a computer search to run. Copernic is designed to quickly search and find what you are looking for. 

Copernic Operates in Several Languages: Whether your company has several offices in different countries, or your employees are multi-lingual, you need to have a computer search program that works in multiple different languages. The good news is, Copernic understands how important it is to be global, so our search program functions in many different languages. 

Copernic Has Been Internationally Recognized: Unlike other computer search programs, Copernic has been recognized across the world by notable news sources. With features in publications like The Telegraph, CNN Tech, The Washington Post, The Guardian, and BBC News. Don’t take our word for how great Copernic is—take everyone else’s! 

Ready to Become a Computer Search Pro? Check Out Copernic Today! 

By now, you understand why conventional built-in computer search functions come up short in comparison to Copernic. Built-in computer searches are slow, you can’t multi-task while running them, they can only search local files, and more. There are so many advantages to using Copernic, so if you want to keep up with the industry trends, try out Copernic today for free