Question from the Forums: Download Notifications
While our forums are meant to be a resource for our community members, we do check in on them from time to time. Most questions are turned into tickets in our system, so they do get a private response. When we see a question that can benefit others, we might turn it into a blog post!
One such question is asked below. While our Technical Support agent responded privately, we felt the steps would benefit others as well.
I uploaded several hundreds of files to my Onedrive on another computer. Now Copernic Plugins Service is downloading them all on this computer, which I don’t mind. But I get a notification for each and every file, including a sound. Is there a way to turn off these notifications?
This is a Windows component so there is not a way to disable it in Copernic. This is occurring because you are indexing a sync OneDrive folder on your computer where files are cloud based only. Windows needs to download the files as they are accessed. If you do not want this, I suggest using the cloud feature in Copernic instead and connect to your Microsoft account in Copernic.
In Tools > Options > Files, add the folder where your local sync OneDrive folder is. After this, change the “Index Action” column to “Skip all” for that folder so Copernic will no longer index it. To save this setting, click “Back to main view” at the top right.

You can index OneDrive from the cloud instead by using your Microsoft account. Go to menu: Tools > Options > Cloud Connections Management > Microsoft 365 … and click “Authorize” on the far right to log in. Once done, go to the Microsoft OneDrive tab under Cloud Connections Management to add/configure it and click “Back to main view” when done.

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