How Does Copernic Help Search My Photos?
Both amateur and professional photographers will appreciate the seamless efficiency of using Copernic to locate image files. In our scenario today, you have been tasked with assembling all the photos from a specific photoshoot so you may edit them and send them on to your client.
Worried you haven’t kept track of file names you assume the search bar won’t be its usual help. However, the Refinement options in the “Picture” category can help you tremendously. To start, click on the “Pictures” Category Icon.

Because we are looking for images from a specific day, we can use the “Date” refinement drop-down menu to locate all images from a specific date.

This category also allows you to search photos taken from a particular camera based on both Brand and Model.

If you need to narrow your search field further, you may select the file-type you need.

Additional refinements can be made based on your preferences and needs.
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