Man relaxing on a sofa with a laptop next to him, looking content.

Streamlining Your Digital Life: A Closer Look at Copernic Desktop & Cloud Search 

In the modern world, our lives are as much digital as they are physical. Our communications, plans, projects, pictures, and work products are all on a device or on the cloud, and many of the most essential parts of our lives are represented in our digital files. Of course, this can lead to considerable archives…

file on windows

Why Can’t I Find That File on Windows? Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them  

You save your file, close the application, and turn off your computer. When you come back to it, you have no idea where you put it. You search for what you think the title was, no luck. It’s very easy to lose files on your Windows PC. Here are some of the common reasons you…

file type refinements

Using the Date and File-Type Refinements for the Best Results 

When you need to find a particular file, you want to find it as quickly as possible so that you can get back to your day and not waste precious time digging through file after file. By now, you have likely experienced the quick efficiency of Copernic’s Desktop & Cloud Search. Knowing how to use…

email indexing software

Why Email Indexing Software is a Game-Changer for Your Inbox 

In today’s business world, we conduct almost everything through email. Work assignments, file sharing, account management; it’s all somewhere deep in the archived stacks of your emails. When you need to find a specific email — or a file within an email — the search is rarely easy. Perhaps you’ve received too many emails from…

document management

Guide to Seamless Document Management with Copernic’s Efficiency Hacks 

A practical document management system is essential for smoothly functioning business operations. Enterprises need to track, sort, and manage business documents throughout their lifespan. These documents exist in multiple locations, formats, and media, including electronic and paper. They can include financial records, contracts, reports, company bylaws, tax records, business licenses and standard operating procedure. Given today’s complex…


Get Your Team to Work with Copernic: The 7 Secrets to Mastering Workspace Productivity 

Whether your workplace employs three people or three hundred people, keeping your team on top of their work is incredibly important. You can’t settle for mediocre when it comes to productivity. It is imperative that all your employees are on top of their game—but it’s also important that workplace leaders help employees reach their potential…

Copernic support

2Checkout (2CO) myAccount VS Copernic support account 

What is the Copernic support account?  The Copernic support account is a secured support account that gives you access to our dedicated help team through support ticket, knowledge base, FAQs, tips and tricks and community forums.  Your Copernic Support account can be found by following this link., Once you are on the log in…

enterprise search solution

Finding Files Fast and Easy: How Enterprise Search Solutions Make Your Life Easier 

No matter what organization you’re a part of—whether you’re in education, affiliated with the government, or working in the construction industry—your company can benefit from utilizing the right enterprise search solutions. With thousands of files on your company computer and many more on the company server, employees are all too familiar with the hassle of…

organize your files

Resolution to organize your files? Let Copernic’s Search Solutions do the work for you! 

Did you make a resolution to be more organized in 2024? Rather than spending hours at your computer creating folders and weeding through old emails and files, why not let Copernic search tools do the hard work for you!   If you’re new to Copernic, you may not realize the organizing opportunities you have. While you…

outlook search

Say Goodbye to Lost Emails with Outlook Search: Copernic Finds Emails within Seconds!  

You’re furiously searching every nook and cranny of your Outlook inbox to find that one email you need. It seems to have evaporated into thin air. This is an all-too-common scenario that you can probably relate to. Despite technological advancements, email is still one of the most widely used communication tools, especially within businesses and…

best desktop search solution

Find the Files You Need with the Best Desktop Search Software 

Searching for files should not be the hardest part of your job. Unfortunately, finding the document you need in a timely fashion is frustrating or near impossible without the assistance of the best desktop search software. This often-overlooked hurdle in the workplace has a massive impact on users. According to Prism International, office workers waste up…